A Personal Testimony from Luke Campbell (from Brisbane 2013)

My name is Luke Campbell and I recently joined Graham and Andrea in Port Moresby for the Good News Festival. I asked Graham if I could send this email to share my experience with you all.

I have known Graham since he was my pastor at Twin Parks back around 2008 and since the Twin Parks days have kept in close contact with Graham and the family. This was the first time that I had seen Graham evangelise at a crusade and first time I had actually experienced an overseas crusade in person. As a big believer in Graham, Andrea and their ministry it was great to spend some time away and see the effect that their ministry is having first hand as it brings another dimension to the email updates that I would rely on to get a picture of what God was doing through Graham and the ministry.
To be honest I was amazed. To personally witness the feet of those walking forward to accept Christ into their lives was an amazing privilege. I would estimate that conservatively a couple hundred people would have accepted Christ either at the events or the seeds were sown for down the track with the size of the attendance of the events. In addition 150 christians were trained in evangelism, 8 churches from different denominations were united to win their city and the focus of the 8 pastors is now firmly on training up the next generation which was not a focus at all a year ago before meeting Graham.
 The update from Graham doesn’t mention how hard he and Andrea worked to not only train the leaders to get the events organised but also the 12 days back to back ministering fantastic messages as Graham invited the people to come forward and accept the Lord. All this while back in Australia both Graham and Andrea knew one of their parents were struggling with their health to the point they may never see them again. To see this dedication and self sacrifice to do God’s will and minister to the people daily despite all the things going on back in Australia and in Moresby was so impacting for me personally.
 It was also great to see Graham challenge one of the young evangelist pastors to preach the message on one of the nights which was significant in that the local PNG pastors now know after Graham leaves they can run crusades themselves without Graham’s involvement. Another thing that struck me was to personally see the gift of the evangelist on Graham’s life as he started preaching in particular at the crusade in the 9 Mile market in gaining the attention of the people doing business in the market, and compelling them to come over, listen and come forward and accept the Good News of Jesus.

Perhaps the final night was the best for me seeing Graham deliver what was one of the best sermons I have ever heard about the family unit and challenging those attending to live up to the roles that God has individually called them to in their families – fathers, mothers and children. Many came forward in repentance.

Andrea also did a marvellous job sharing her testimony that night encouraging the mothers of the high calling they have as they bring up their children. I personally believe around a hundred mothers went home that night with a new perspective on the importance of their lives and God’s calling at home. A lot of lives changed and eternities now set towards heaven.

I wanted to share this because an email update only can do so much.

The effect Graham, Andrea and their ministry are having is huge and is a great investment of support in my opinion.
Luke Campbell